Potts Point Vet Hospital Blog

Cat Behaviors Explained (Part I)

Posted by Dr. Kristie Mientka on 19-Oct-2016 08:12:00


Do you often look at your cat and ask yourself: "Why do you do these strange things, my feline friend?" Cats are (understandably) often regarded as mysterious creatures with seemingly bizarre - and sometimes frustrating - behaviours.  

Not surprisingly, however, most of their actions can be traced from an evolutionary perspective, back to their wild ancestors. 

And as cat owners, the more we can learn about feline behavior and support their natural actions, the healthier and happier they'll be. 



1. The Early Wake Up Call 

Cats are early risers. When the sun rises, the birds start chirping, small wild rodents are up and about and therefore so are our cats. Waking up early is ingrained cat behaviour of thousands of years.

Determined to sleep in? You're going to have to train your cat out of this natural behaviour and it's not easy. Some tips: keep shades drawn so it stays dark and stick to strict feeding times (a small meal right before bed can sometimes help delay the morning hunger.) 



2. Toileting Outside the Litter Box

This could be an indication of a health issue (i.e. cystitis or urinary tract infection) or might be a sign that kitty doesn't approve of the litter box situation.

Cats evolved in the desert. They literally had an entire desert as their litter box. It's no wonder that they sometimes may resist the small plastic boxes we provide. 

A standard rule of thumb: have at least 1 extra litter box to the total number of cats in your household (i.e if you have 2 cats you should have 3 litter boxes.) cat-poop-habits-2.jpg

As for littler box contents... some cats prefer sand over newspaper pellets, some prefer pellets over crystals. Many don't like covered boxes and most don't like plastic liners.

Does your cat spend a long time scratching around in the litter box? This actually means he likes the feel of the litter (he approves!) If he runs in, does his business, then runs away...well chances are he's unimpressed with the litter you've selected. 


3. The Obsession With Boxes and Bags 

There's no question that most cats have an unyielding obsession with boxes and bags and there are a few reasons for this. The obvious reason is the predation advantage: they can hide and stalk prey from this safe place. 


Note: this picture is actually Wesley, my cat! Wes <3 bags.

Additionally, the box or bag provides warmth. 

It's been proven that the "thermoneutral zone" for cats is approximately 20 degrees Fahrenheit higher than that of humans. At this temperature, cats are "comfortable." Which explains why they like small places, and why they loooove to sit on your computer keyboard.


4. Plastic Bags: Sitting on 'em, in 'em and Licking 'em 


This one has us (and researchers!) a bit stumped.

One theory: plastic shopping bags make cool noises, which, in some way, can mimic the sounds of little rodents scurrying around in the grass and leaves.

...OK maybe that's a bit of a stretch. Have your own theory?

Leave it in the comments below!